Our latest ‘Meet the Team’ interview is with one of our great Customer Service team – Natalie Jones. We were able to grab Natalie away from her busy role where we discussed all things Dealerweb, the day to day life as a Support Analyst and her love of gaming! …
Tell us about yourself
I'm still relatively new here at Dealerweb with (just over) 3 months under my belt but I can safely I'm loving it. The past few months have gone by so fast (in a good way) and I nearly can't believe I've not been here longer! Outside of work, I'm very much into my gaming and spend a lot of my free time doing just that. My favourite game has to be Fable 2 as it's the first game I really got into. I've played it start to finish more times than I can count and certainly not for the last time either. The game I'm most looking forward to at the moment is Horizon Forbidden West which is due out next year - I've had to buy myself a PS5 just for the occasion!
What does your job entail?
For my first couple of months as a Support Analyst, a lot of my time was spent finding my feet and getting used to the various systems. I'm not a fully-fledged expert just yet but I'm working towards it! I love to learn and there is definitely no shortage of opportunities for that here. My day-to-day tasks can vary massively dependent on what's happening in the world of Dealerweb but primarily, my job is to support our clients and make their use of our products as simple and streamlined as possible. A standard day in my role - if there is such thing - can entail a number of things such as talking a user through how to complete a certain task or troubleshooting a problem they're having. I've always enjoyed problem-solving so my role is great because it lets me do just that on a daily basis.
What do you like most about your role?
Without a doubt, my favourite thing about my role is those I am surrounded by - my colleagues and our clients alike. My colleagues here are the best (and nuttiest) bunch I've ever had the pleasure of working with - they certainly make the days fly by! Our clients are just as brilliant and really do play a big part in making my job as enjoyable as it is.
And, finally, a few of your favourite things….?
I don't read anywhere near as much as I did when I was younger but I do enjoy audiobooks, particularly when I'm driving to and from the office. I'm currently listening to The Hobbit which is narrated by Andy Serkis and by far, is the best narration I've ever heard. The book I have the most fond memories of is The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. My mum used to read this to me over and over again when I was little and I never got bored of it.
ither Moana or Tangled - it's too difficult to pick between the two!
As much as I love being at home with my cat, I love theme parks - especially Alton Towers. It's a long drive from down here in Devon but it's always worth it.
I love my own little car - she's a Ford KA Zetec Black Edition and she's never done me wrong.